My name is Rebecca, 23 years old and born and raised in San Diego California. I may be 23 but it’s fun to ask people to guess my age because 90% of the time I get 18, which I’m not complaining about except when I’m mistaken to be an immature teenager. In fact at 18 I felt more mature than most of my high school graduated classmates. The difference from being 18 again and being 23 now is at 18 I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I was living at home saving money with two jobs that I loved. At 23 now, living away from home months from graduation, unsure of what I should do. My blog is going to be about what I have always wanted to do but was always unsure whether it’s what I should do, which is joining the military. I will be writing about my journey from just thinking about it, to the day I will enlist which will be in the next couple weeks. I will go in depth into the military life, some of the sacrifices, consequences, benefits, and personal military stories of those who have died or retired in order to give you, the readers, as well as myself a sense of what we normally do not realize, understand, or see underneath the uniform. I hope to gain more understanding of what branch of the military I would prefer to join, why I am actually joining, and be more confident in my decision that this is the right thing for me to do. For my readers, I hope they also gain more understanding and appreciation for the people who serve.
L'keesha's Writer's Chair
13 years ago